Request for Proposal -
Data Validation Technical Assistance and Training Program
The Information Technology Support Center (ITSC) is seeking to procure the services of a contractor through a fixed priced contract that can develop an assessment plan and successfully conduct an assessment of the current status of the Unemployment Insurance (UI) Data Validation (DV) system. The contractor will review the DV process in each state, develop a summary report based on the results of the assessment, and recommend and provide necessary training and technical assistance (TA) in a cost effective manner, based on resources that are available. The Data Validation Technical Assistance and Training Program project will consist of two phases:
Phase 1: ITSC will select a contractor to develop a comprehensive assessment of the current status of DV activities across the UI system.
Phase 2: Based on the results of Phase 1, the contractor will propose for approval, the most effective strategies to use to assist states that require TA and training. The contractor should address both strategies that may be applicable system-wide, and those that may apply to states with specific problems
The RFP consists of the following documents:
Request for Proposal: Data Validation Technical Assistance and Training Program
- 2/21/2012
RFP Publication Date: February 21, 2012
Bidders Webinar/Teleconference: February 28, 2012 at 2:00PM EST
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